Statement delivered by Ambassador Chen Xu on behalf of the LMG countries at the ID on annual report of High Commissioner for Human Rights at 44rd session of the Human Rights Council
2020-06-30 17:14

Madam President,

Madam High Commissioner,

I have the honor to speak on behalf of a group of Like Minded Countries. The LMG countries welcome Madam High Commissioner's efforts to have constructive dialogue and cooperation with all countries.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic highlights the deep-rooted human rights issues across the world, including systemic racism, racial discrimination, stigmatization, social inequalities and impact of unilateral coercive measures. All parties shall uphold multilateralism and address these challenges together through dialogue and cooperation. We hope that the OHCHR would:

Firstly, abide by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and oppose politicization of human rights, "naming and shaming" and exertion of public pressure.

Secondly, address inequalities, protect the rights of persons in vulnerable situations and redouble efforts in opposing racism, racial discrimination and hate speech.

We urge the Office to faithfully implement the resolution on Systemic Racism and Police Brutality and ensure the compilation of a meaningful report.

Thirdly, provide technical assistance on the request and need of the States concerned, and carry out substantive work to promote and protect human rights.

Fourth, increase transparency of OHCHR's internal management and improve the uneven geographical representation of OHCHR staff in particular high level officials.

The LMG countries will continue to support and facilitate Madam High Commissioner and her Office in the work they carry out in accordance with their mandates and work together to promote the development of international human rights cause.